Saturday, April 28, 2018

I recently spent my 35th birthday tagging along with my son's third-grade class for a field trip to Cathedral Caverns State Park. I'm a sucker for field trips, so this outing was a special birthday gift. Mostly, I hung out at the back of the group, snapping photos along the way. We had a tour guide but I didn't pay too much attention to the stories he told - I was more interested in taking in the sights.

The tour took us 3,000 feet into the cave and once we reached the endpoint, our guide turned off all of the lights. It was SO DARK - but then he surprised us with a little "light show." I don't want to give too much away just in case you ever go. Let me just say it was really neat. =)

Along the tour, we saw so many incredible things: some really cool caves faces, stalactites, stalagmites, a waterfall, a river... And in case you're wondering, we didn't see any bats.

Here are a few photos taken along the way.

Happy exploring, friends!