Two Years Old

Saturday, June 28, 2014

 Delta Mae, you are TWO! And bless your heart, you are sick on your birthday this year. You started off your birthday waking up next to me, which doesn't happen too often. You are really good about sleeping in your own bed, but sickness calls for extra snuggles. You've napped three times already today, which also doesn't happen too often. You usually have just one nap a day, although you've gone all day with out napping a handful of times. You just don't feel good.

This morning, we gave you a little happy, an Anna cup and Frozen stickers. You approved. You'll get more than you need at your birthday party. 

You also received a phone call from the Bubble Guppies where they wished you a Happy Birthday!

We haven't left the house all day, nor have you eaten a thing all day. I had intended on making you cupcakes, but with your upset tummy in mind, I don't think that's the best thing for you.

Aside from mentioning how sick you are today, I also want to take the time to mention other important things about you that I will certainly forget later in life. Probably next month! So here goes. Your nickname remains the same, Honey Chicken. Although, we do shorten it just Chicken a lot. You are a BIG talker these days. You usually make an attempt to say the things we ask you too, but you can hold a conversation with us all on your own. We say you sound like Sean Connery when you speak because you like to add -sh, -ch, or -s to the end of many to your words. Here are some of the things you say a lot.

"Moosh, Bruh-Bruh!" 
- Wyatt is usually blocking your view of the tv when you say this.

"Whach dats means" 
- You have moved past asking "what's that."

"Wipes nosh mines" 
- You get a runny nose often and don't like it on your face.

"Yesh man" 
- Yes, ma'am. We are Southern after all.

- When you say please, you usually squeeze your belly with both hands real tight.

"I have no idea" 
- You stress the first syllable of the word idea, rather than the second. It's adorable.

"I dit dit." 
- I'll get it 

"Awe, man"
- When you don't get your way.

When we ask you who you love, you name everyone in the room, as long as you know their name.

You love to watch Disney's Frozen. You ask to watch it by saying, "Yet it go." The only Disney Princess you identify by name is Princess Anna. Every other one you call "Prin-Presh" 

You also watch Disney Junior and love it when Mickey Mouse Clubhouse comes on. You call both Mickey and Minnie "Me Moush."

And also, Bubble Guppies. They are a nighttime favorite.

When you get ready to race, you say, "two, two, go!"

Food Preferences:

You drink lots of milk.

"Dog dogs"
Hot Dogs with lots of ketchup

Sausage Links

Scrambled Eggs and Grits with cheese


The center of Oreos


"Pom Pom"

Much unlike your brother, you love Coke, Root Beer, Juices, etc. You want whatever I'm drinking.

Your Two Year Well Visit is scheduled for next week so I weighed and measured your height at home. 
You are 28 pounds and 34.75 inches tall.

We love you, sweet girl! Happy Birthday to you!