Happy Third Birthday, Delta Mae!

Sunday, June 28, 2015

 Sweet Chicken, you are three years old today! We celebrated you first thing this morning. I had our breakfast table all set and ready to go so you'd be surprised when you woke up. Here's what your morning looked like.

You were given all three things I listed in the last blog post, as well as a Sofia Light-Up Amulet that I forgot to buy for you this past Christmas. You also received birthday cards from Pop and JuJu, PawPaw and Granny, and Uncle Joey and Aunt Sarah. (And yesterday, the Naffins came over and gave you a Frozen Playdoh set that you love so much!)

Before we left for church, your father put together your new Lego set and you were transferring all of your Lego Princesses into it using your brand new dump truck. You didn't wear the Sofia costume as long as I had expected you to. You said it was too tight. But you did love the amulet. So much that you wanted to wear it to church. And you did. =)

A wonderful church service was followed by our first (of many) visits to The Original Wow! Burger Restaurant with Oreo milkshakes to wash it all down.

Your nearly three hour nap has recently ended and we are just about to head out of the door to go see the new Inside Out movie. YAY!

We love you so much, Delta Mae! Happy Birthday!