Friday, September 15, 2017

 The arrival of September means the start of so much more than just the school year. While Wyatt has decided to pick up a new sport to play, Delta Mae was excited to stick with an activity she loves. BALLET!

Delta Mae took her first year of ballet lessons at age two while we were living in Mississippi. Then we moved to Oregon and her second year of lessons was taken at our local dance studio. This year, as September drew nearer, I spent numerous hours trying to find a ballet class offered to her age group that met in the mornings, opposite her days at preschool.

It was a struggle - which really surprised me. I found a nearby studio that offered a "custom class" if I could find five other participants. It gave me hope, so I reached out to the other MOPS Mamas on our Facebook group but, unfortunately, their interest was low. Except for my friend, Jenn. She was up for the idea, but two ballerinas are far from six, so the search continued.

Eventually, I found a studio about twenty minutes from my home that offered just what I was looking for. A Tuesday morning, ballet only, class. We signed up and lessons began two days ago.

Caution: These photos contain cuteness overload.

Taken after class was over. She was so excited! 

And a quick snapshot of Delta Mae with her preschool + ballet classmate, McKenzie. =)

I mentioned on my IG account that our new studio performs The Nutcracker in December. Delta Mae's instructor, Miss Courtney, said that in past years, dancers in Chicken's age group were able to participate. The jury is still out as to whether they will continue to include them, but I'm so very hopeful that they do! I'd love for Delta Mae to get that opportunity.

So, there we go. School has started. Taekwondo is in full swing (as always). Wyatt has football on Sundays + Chicken has ballet on Tuesdays.

What's left to begin? Choir.

That's right, choir! Wyatt's asked to be a part of his school's choir and I'm all for it! Lessons begin on Monday. After that, we're all set on activities!