Saturday, February 25, 2017

Motherhood is Movement.

It is constant + it starts from day one. For months, you can feel your Little One moving within, kicking, spinning + hiccupping. After months of anticipation, contractions start or water breaks. Delivery day arrives. Welcome to Motherhood. During your child's infant stage, you move far more than they do. Climbing in + out of bed to feed your Little One. Rocking your Little One to sleep. Holding your Little One's head-up until they gain their own strength to do so. Strolling your Little One around the neighborhood to breathe in the fresh air. Motherhood is Movement.

Your child grows older + reaches the toddler stage. At this age, you may think that your Little One moves more than you. They are crawling, standing up + taking their first steps, but I'm here to argue that while they are moving, Mothers will move faster. Catching sippy cups or plates of food your Little One attempts to throw on the floor. Jetting across a room to keep your Little One from pulling a lamp off of the side table. Snatching a neighborhood sidewalk mushroom from your Little One's hand before they insert it into their mouths. Or consequently, calling Poison Control when you couldn't quite grasp it in time. Motherhood is Movement.

Currently, both of my Little Ones are past the infant + toddler stage. At ages seven + four, they out-move me. Often times, their foreheads are sweat-drenched after an indoor Nerf gun battle or outdoor biking. As for me, I usually only work up a sweat when I'm vacuuming or cleaning bathrooms. And while other household chores of mine like cooking meals, folding laundry + ironing clothes, don't leave me hot + bothered, they do keep me moving. It's just at a slower pace than my Little Ones. Motherhood is Movement.

For this week's #TheBethadilly52 photo prompt, Movement, I thought I would try something I had never tried before. I have a friend, Susan, that shared a family photograph of her + her husband sharing a kiss while their children literally ran circles around them. It was blurry picture perfection. I wanted to see if I could create a similar photograph + capture my Little Ones at this current stage in life, as fast-moving blurs. I put my camera on a tripod + used the self-timer to take these photos. I pretty much love how they turned out.

Taken using Nikon D7200, Nikkor 50mm f1/8 mm lens, at ISO 100, f16, 1/25 ss.
Embrace to blur, Mamas.