Monday, August 17, 2020

A lot of schools aren't allowing students to begin this school year in the classroom, but we are thankful that our school district has given us the option to begin traditional or remote. We chose to begin traditionally, so Wyatt and Delta Mae made their way into the classrooms all by themselves this year. Parents aren't allowed to enter the building. There will be no class parties or field trips. Lunch will take place in the classroom and they'll have masks on their faces for hours at a time. It's a big change, but Wyatt and Delta Mae are up for the challenge.
Dags always bites Wyatt.

Wyatt is beginning his first year as a middle schooler. Sixth graders were given the option to pick one honors class and he chose science. While he's not a big fan of school in general, he was super excited to find out that his best friend will be in PE class with him.

Delta Mae is beginning her "senior" year at primary school and she is beyond excited to see her friends. Her third grade class will only have 12 students in the classroom!

And here's a stroll down the First Day of School Memory Lane.

I'm not crying, you're crying... 😭😭😭