Monday, August 2, 2021

TWELVE years old!!! It seems unreal, yet, here we are. Happy Birthday to you, Wyatt, our Mr. Big Stuff. You continue to be a lover of all things gaming, with Hollow Knight and Super Smash Bros taking up most of your free time. We were kind of tired of buying you video games and gaming consoles over the years, so you saved up your cash and bought yourself a Nintendo Switch this past year. (That was a fun story... remember literally running through Target because we called and there was only one left on the shelf and they wouldn't hold it for us because they were in such high demand during the pandemic.)  

You have grown five inches this past year. FIVE INCHES!! And now you're as tall as me. No doubt, I'll be looking up to you this time next year. Heck, you might even outgrow your father by the time you're an official teenager. Un. Real. Before your sixth grade school year ended, you joined the Cross Country team and you've spent the summer practicing with your team. We are so proud of you and look forward to cheering for you at your meets this fall. #runwyattrun Happy Birthday, Buddy!

Love you, Wyatt!