Monday, September 12, 2016

 I truly never thought this day would ever come. Turns out, you can only press your desires onto your children so much. Sports have always been a thing that Brad + I both loved and wanted our kids to enjoy and participate in. We had given tee-ball, buddy-ball, and basketball a try, but Wyatt's heart was never in it - evidenced by him running up and down the basketball court with his arms out like an airplane during nearly every game last year. =/

Thankfully, his love for Taekwondo hasn't diminished.

But last week, we were driving in the car and he asked if he could play football this year. I don't recall his exact words but he mentioned something regarding the men that play in the Superbowl. The next day he asked Brad about playing, so I took it upon myself to see if signing up for the flag-football league was still an option.

It was!

I picked him up from school and told him the great news last Friday. We picked up some hand-me-down cleats at the local Play It Again Sports ($9.99 Nike's were a total steal) and a PeeWee football.

And then Sunday, after church and lunch (#Priorities) we arrived at Field #2 for Wyatt's first EVER flag football game. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves for a bit and fill you in more at the end.

Wyatt was the most timid child on the field, which didn't surprise me, but he was still given numerous opportunities to run with the ball. He actually was given the ball for the first play of the game. He learned how to run four plays and learned three different positions for each of the plays. He got a turn at center, quarterback, and running back.

There are quite of few boys on his team that were already seasoned professionals, throwing deep passes and even picking off a pass for a touchdown. We have some catching up to do.

But all in all, he went onto the field smiling and left the field smiling. As we were walking to the car I asked him if he wanted to come back next week and he said, "yeah!"

Looks like our Sunday afternoons are spoken for. At least for the next seven weeks.