Thursday, September 8, 2016

Not so surprising, I'm definitely talking about my children and their Back To School Photos! Wyatt started Second Grade and Delta Mae started her First Year of Preschool this week. Yes, that's right. She's never been to preschool or daycare before. Just a whole lot of one-on-one time with her Mama. =)

Let's get started with Wyatt's First Day, which was Tuesday, September 6. He asked for pancakes shaped like a bat and sausage for breakfast. Apparently, he thinks I'm a pancake molding genius. I'm not - but I tried. He said he loved them even though the wings broke off during the flipping-over process. Sweet Boy.

He was happy to oblige me with some sweet smiles before heading off to school.
It was hard picking a favorite to share in Instagram, but it came down to this one. I captioned it with a memory from the night before.
"He had a bad dream last night and came into our room to ask if he could sleep with us. Of course we let him. And while I don't like that his bad dream woke him, I do love that he still comes to us for comfort and security, even if he is a Big Ole Second Grader."

Wyatt's current class has eight classmates that were also in his first grade class, so he was pretty excited to go into a room with familiar faces around him.

Sweet Chicken had to peek in and check on Wyatt one more time before we left. It was so sweet.

And when it was time to pick him up at the end of the day, she was at the exit waiting and greeted him with a hug. =)

I think he was a little excited to see me too.<3 p="">

I truly thought the days when he would run + jump into my arms would be over. I thought he'd get made fun of, called a Mama's Boy or something, and give it up a long time ago. But here we are, seven years old and he's still at it.

The next morning, September 7, was Delta Mae's Big Day. She requested heart pancakes for breakfast. They were much easier than the bat ones, so thank you for that, Chicken. The night before I pleaded for help on  Instagram because I couldn't decide which bow for her to wear. The consensus was red over mustard yellow. Delta Mae also cast a vote for the red bow. =)

And here she is!
This was my favorite photo of Delta Mae from that morning and I shared it on Instagram as well, recalled our morning.
"She hummed twinkle, twinkle little star as we walked from the car into her classroom for her first day of preschool. She hung up her backpack and found her seat, then practiced writing her name. I kissed her goodbye, told her she was beautiful and smart, asked her to not forget her manners, and prayed for her protection as I drove away."
Her First EVER Day of Preschool!

We loaded up and headed-of to schools, dropping Wyatt off first. He so badly wanted to see Delta Mae in her classroom, but his school starts almost a full hour before hers does, so we couldn't pull that off.

Finally, the moment came. We were at Preschool.

I don't think she was too impressed by her "D". You've got all year to work on it, Honey. Don't you worry. =)

When the day came to an end, she came out smiling and happy! Pictured above is Chicken with her friend, Mckenzie. We're so happy to have a friend at school! 

A few hours later, and this happened. Bless her.

Wyatt was feeling especially goofy on the morning of Delta Mae's first day of school, so how about a few outtakes?

Clearly, she had had enough at this point. Ha! We're looking forward to a great year!